Monday, March 21, 2016

Victorian District of Savannah

SAVANNAH, GA - December 20, 2015
Since it was December, evening came fast. The darkness set in before my family and I got the chance to get a good look at the Victorian District of Savannah. 
I think the evening made the houses look much more beautiful. Maybe it was the lighting? Or maybe it was the feel you get when you walk the streets of Downtown Historic Savannah.
Some of the houses were mixed in. It was as if the modern homes were beginning to over take the Victorian Homes. It seems like that is happening all over though. It is a very sad thought. Slowly these historic homes and structures are disappearing. 
It was beginning to get a bit cold as we were walking the streets, looking at the beautiful structures. I stood across the street to get a good look at them. Even though it was getting dark, the houses were still very visible.
It's interesting how some Victorian homes were once home to families, but now they are local businesses providing for families. I am just glad that they aren't left to decay and fall to pieces. They should be preserved.
At some of the homes, you could see scaffolding from where the houses were being restored and preserved. They may be an eye sore, but I am happy to see them there because that tells me that they are being taken care of.
Going down some of the streets I got to see some of the homes that looked very Victorian but they were out of the way of the main strip of the Victorian District. Maybe it is because they are still homes to people? But I must say, they are absolutely gorgeous and the owners are doing an amazing job keeping them looking beautiful.
The details of the homes were very intricate which made them worth traveling to see. The main house I was hunting for was the Gingerbread House. I had never seen such beautiful intricate designs on a Victorian house. I want to say it was a Ballroom? But I am not completely sure. It would sure keep it very classy if it was. 
Savannah's Victorian District was the first Victorian District I have ever seen. As much as I love the Victorian Era, I really enjoyed seeing it. It seems like a lot of them were turned into Inns, which is really nice. I just love to see historic things preserved. As much history they have seen, they deserve to be preserved. 

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